Category: The Halakhic Process

Ep. 84 Halakhic Process 10b – Rabbinic Attitudes Towards Stringencies

It turns out for podcast subscribers I need to post each class individually and not in one big post. Part 2 in my sub-series on stringencies in Jewish Law focuses on rabbinic attitudes towards stringencies, some positive and some negative.

Halakhic Process 10 – Stringenceis (PDF)

Rabbinic Attitudes Towards Stringencies

Ep. 83 Halakhic Process 10 – Stringencies Parts 1-4

In this mega-podcast on The Halakhic Process, Rabbi Yuter combines his most recent four classes discussing various rabbinic perspectives on stringencies in Jewish law.

Halakhic Process 10 – Stringenceis (PDF)

General Principles of Stringencies
Rabbinic Attitudes Towards Stringencies
Lifnim Mishurat Hadin / Going Above and Beyond the Law
Assuming Additional Responsibilities

Ep. 79 Halakhic Process 9 – Halakhah V’Ein Morin Kein

In this installment of his series on The Halakhic Process, Rabbi Yuter discusses the curious halakhic phenomenon of laws which should not be taught or disseminated.

Halakhic Process 9 – Halakhah V’Ein Morin Kein Sources (PDF)

Halakhic Process 9 – Halakhah V’Ein Morin Kein

Halakhic Process 8 – Legislation and Dissent

Rabbi Yuter’s Halakhic Process series returns with the an essential discussion on authority of Rabbinic legislation and its impact on subsequent dissent.

Halakhic Process 8 – Legislation and Dissent Sources (PDF)

Halakhic Process 8 – Legislation and Dissent

Ep. 75 Halakhic Process 6 – Bal Tosif and Rabbinic Innovation

Rabbi Yuter’s Halakhic Process series returns with a discussion on how to reconcile the biblical prohibitions against adding or subtracting from the Torah with rabbinic innovation.

Halakhic Process 6 – Bal Tosif and Rabbinic Innovation Sources (PDF)

Halakhic Process 6 – Bal Tosif and Rabbinic Innovation

Ep. 71 Halakhic Process 4 – What is a Rabbi? Qualifications and Procedures

Rabbis are known to be the authorities in Judaism, but how did one attain this status? In this installment Rabbi Yuter explores what it originally meant to be a rabbi / religious leader in Judaism.

Halakhic Process 4 – What is a Rabbi Qualifications and Procedures Sources (PDF)

Halakhic Process 4 – What is a Rabbi? Qualifications and Procedures

Ep. 67 The Halakhic Process 2 – Contracts with God

In this installment of The Halakhic Process series, Rabbi Yuter explores the biblical covenants which form the basis for the Jewish people’s relationship with God and their obligations to perform his will.

Halakhic Process 2 – Contracts with God Sources (PDF)

Halakhic Process 2 – Contracts with God Sources

Ep. 66 The Halakhic Process 1 – Introduction

Rabbi Yuter begins a brand new series exploring Jewish law from a systematic approach. In this introductory class, Rabbi Yuter presents some of the questions which the class will address and presents a vocabulary for discussing these crucial issues which are fundamental to Jewish life.

The Halakhic Process 1 – Introduction Sources (PDF)

The Halakhic Process 1 – Introduction

Ep. 53 Fundamentals of Judaism 6 – Varieties of Rabbinic Fallibility

Rabbi Yuter’s Fundamentals of Judaism series returns with a discussion of ways in which rabbis can err, and their impact on rabbinic authority

Fundamentals of Judaism 6 – Varieties of Rabbinic Fallibility Sources (PDF)

Fundamentals of Judaism 6 – Varieties of Rabbinic Fallibility