Category: Podcasts

Ep. 124 Current Jewish Questions 36 – Electricity in Jewish Law 2

Rabbi Josh Yuter’s series on Electricity in Jewish Law continues with a discussion of R. Shlomo Zalman Aurbach’s rebuttal of previous arguments.

Current Jewish Questions – Electricity in Jewish Law 2 Sources (PDF)

Current Jewish Questions – Electricity in Jewish Law 2

The Halakhic Process – Complete Class / Podcast Series

YUTOPIA's 10 Year Anniversary SpecialOver the past year and a half I have had fortuitous opportunity to dedicate my Sunday class towards explaining the halakhic process, or to put it more bluntly, how Jewish law works. My intent was to explain not only my own system but to critically analyze the logic, assumptions, and presumptions often made in halakhic arguments. While these classes may be listened to individually, as a unit they explore in great detail the various narratives of authority and their respective justifications.

It is with great thanks to The Stanton Street Shul and all those who attended in person and for whom it is I primarily teach, that I now present links to all previous audio and sources in one convenient post. Note that some classes were previously given as part of another series. I included links to those lectures as opposed to rerecording a repeated class.


Ep. 123 Halakhic Process 27 – Summary and Conclusions

Rabbi Josh Yuter concludes his series on the Halakhic Process summarizing previous lectures and tying together the main points of the series. Many thanks to all those who came and followed!

Ep. 123 Halakhic Process – Summary and Conclusions

Ep. 122 Current Jewish Questions 35 – Electricity in Jewish Law 1

Rabbi Josh Yuter introduces the subject of Electricity from the perspective of applying old halakhah to new technologies.

Current Jewish Questions 35 – Electricity in Jewish Law 1 Sources (PDF)

Current Jewish Questions 35 – Electricity in Jewish Law 1

Ep. 121 Halakhic Process 26 – R. David Hartman and Religious Individualism

In the penultimate class in his Halakhic Process series, Rabbi Josh Yuter examines the trend of religious individualism through the writings of Rabbi David Hartman.

Halakhic Process 26 – Hartman and Individuation Sources (PDF)

Halakhic Process 26 – R. David Hartman and Religious Individualism

Ep. 120 Current Jewish Questions 34 – Electricity

In this Very Special Episode of Current Jewish Questions, guest lecturer Dr. Allen Mincer introduces the series on Electricity in Jewish Law with an introduction to the science of Electricity.

Ep. 120 Current Jewish Questions 34 – Electricity 1

Ep. 119 Halakhic Process 25 – Open Orthodoxy

Dedicated to the memory of Mr. Ed Goldsmith

If there is a fallacy of ‘Open Orthodoxy,’ it is not that it isn’t ‘Orthodox,’
but that in reality it isn’t very ‘Open.’

In this important installment of the Halakhic Process series, Rabbi Yuter deconstructs the halakhic methodology of Rabbi Avi Weiss and his Open Orthodox approach to Jewish law.

Halakhic Process 25 – Open Orthodoxy Sources (PDF)

Halakhic Process 25 – Open Orthodoxy

Ep. 118 Current Jewish Questions 33 – Introduction to Eiruvin 3

support-the-eruv-and-carry-on-2Rabbi Josh Yuter’s Introduction to Eruvin concludes with a discussion on the requirements for total communal participation, and solutions for circumventing this nearly impossible halakhic condition.

Current Jewish Questions 33 – Intro to Eiruvin 3 Sources (PDF)

Current Jewish Questions 33 – Introduction to Eiruvin 3

Ep. 117 Halakhic Process 24 – Conservative Judaism

Rabbi Josh Yuter’s Halakhic Process series turns towards the Conservative Judaism’s legal hermeneutic, and how it compares to what is often employed by their Orthodox counterparts.

Halakhic Process 24 – Conservative Judaism Sources (PDF)

Halakhic Process 24 – Conservative Judaism

Ep. 116 Current Jewish Questions 32 – Introduction to Eiruvin 2

In the second part of his Introduction to Eiruvin, Rabbi Yuter provides a general overview regarding the physical construction of an eiruv.

Current Jewish Questions 32 – Intro to Eiruvin 2 Sources (PDF)

Current Jewish Questions 32 – Introduction to Eiruvin 2