Tag: jewish law

Ep. 133 Current Jewish Questions 40 – Egalitarianism

Rabbi Josh Yuter presents his framework for understanding the controversial topic of Egalitarianism in Judaism, using Biblical and Rabbinic Laws to define the parameters of the Torah’s ethical imperatives.

Current Jewish Questions 40 – Egalitarianism Sources (PDF)

Current Jewish Questions 40 – Egalitarianism

Why Rabbi Dr. Alan J. Yuter Resigned from the Rabbinical Assembly and Left Conservative Judaism

YUTOPIA's 10 Year Anniversary SpecialWhen my parents made aliyah this past summer I had to clean boxes of papers, articles, and documents I had collected over the years. One of the gems I dug up was the following letter my father wrote Robert Gordis in resigning from the Rabbinical Assembly and leaving Conservative Judaism.

This letter may be of academic interest to a historian, religious sociologist, or even fans of my father. Others may find useful comparisons or contrasts with the current state of liberal Orthodox Judaisms. For myself, it represents a salient moment in the life of the person who has imparted to me most of my Torah and approach to Judaism and life. I would also venture to say that this letter is so indicative of my father’s hadracha that if one keeps the essence of the logical argument while substituting names and institutions, this letter could be reprinted by him today. My father has told me privately that he patterned his letter after Abraham Joshua Heschel’s own letter of resignation.

With my father’s permission I am publishing his letter of resignation from the Rabbinical Assembly and his disaffiliation from Conservative Judaism.

Ep. 94 Current Jewish Questions 19 – Gun Control

With the Sandy Hook tragedy reigniting the national debate on gun control, Rabbi Yuter discusses certain rabbinic sources relevant towards formulating a Jewish perspective.

Current Jewish Questions – Gun Control Sources (PDF)

Current Jewish Questions – Gun Control Sources

Ep. 93 Halakhic Process 14 – Rambam’s / Maimonides’ Approach To Jewish Law Part 2

Rabbi Josh Yuter’s halakhic process series moves to the post-Talmudic period with a discussion of Rambam’s / Maimonides’ approach to Jewish law and his own halakhic methodology.

Rambam’s / Maimonides’ Approach To Jewish Law Part 2 Sources (PDF)

Rambam’s / Maimonides’ Approach To Jewish Law Part 2

Ep. 92 Halakhic Process 13 – Rambam’s / Maimonides’ Approach To Jewish Law Part 1

Rabbi Josh Yuter’s halakhic process series moves to the post-Talmudic period with a discussion of Rambam’s / Maimonides’ approach to Jewish law and his own halakhic methodology.

Halakhic Process – Rambam’s / Maimonides’ Approach To Jewish Law Part 1 Sources (PDF)

Halakhic Process 13 – Rambam’s / Maimonides’ Approach To Jewish Law Part 1

Current Jewish Questions 15 – Substance Abuse

With a trend towards legalizing marijuana it is possible that currently illicit drugs may be more widespread in the future. In this class Rabbi Yuter examines Jewish perspectives, attitudes, and primary sources regarding substance abuse.

Current Jewish Questions – Substance Abuse Sources (PDF)

Current Jewish Questions – Substance Abuse

Ep. 80 Current Jewish Questions 13 – Intellectual Property / Piracy

Rabbi Yuter explores and evaluates arguments for the role of intellectual property and piracy in Jewish Law.

Current Jewish Questions – Intellectual Property and Piracy Sources (PDF)

Current Jewish Questions – Intellectual Property and Piracy Sources

Ep. 70 Halakhic Process 3 – Basis for Rabbinic Authority

In this installment of the Halakhic Process series, Rabbi Yuter addresses the origins, basis, and justifications for Rabbinic authority in Jewish Law.

Halakhic Process 3 – Rabbinic Authority Sources (PDF)

Halakhic Process 3 – Basis for Rabbinic Authority

Ep. 57 Current Jewish Questions 4 – The Superbowl

In honor of Superbowl Sunday, Rabbi Yuter tackles the question of Jews enjoying the Big Game.

Current Jewish Questions 4 – Superbowl Sources (PDF)

Current Jewish Questions 4 – Superbowl

Ep 56. Current Jewish Questions 3 – Chillul Hashem

In this installment of Current Jewish Questions, Rabbi Yuter reevaluates popular conception of “Chillul Hashem/Desecrating God’s Name” based on rabbinic sources.

Current Jewish Questions 3 – Chillul Hashem Sources (PDF)

Current Jewish Questions 3 – Chillul Hashem