Category: The Halakhic Process

Ep. 102 Halakhic Process 18 – Rambam Mamrim 3 (Zakein Mamre / Rebellious Elder)

Rabbi Yuter’s series on the Halakhic Process concludes the section on Maimonides with a discussion on the Zakein Mamre / Rebellious Elder.

Halakhic Process – Rambam Mamrim 3 (Zakein Mamre / Rebellious Elder) Sources (PDF)

Halakhic Process – Rambam Mamrim 3 (Zakein Mamre / Rebellious Elder)

Ep. 98 Halakhic Process 17 – Rambam Mamrim 2

Rabbi Yuter’s Halakhic Process continues with the second chapter of Rambam’s Hilkhot Mamrim, further exploring the scope of a court’s halakhic authority.

Halakhic Process 17 – Rambam Mamrim 2 Sources (PDF)

Halakhic Process 17 – Rambam Mamrim 2 Sources

Ep. 96 Halakhic Process 16 – Rambam and Rabbinic Authority / Mamrim 1

Rabbi Josh Yuter’s class on the Halakhic Process returns towards examining Maimonides’ approach to rabbinic authority in greater detail.

Rambam’s Rules for Rabbinic Judaism

Laws of Mamrim (Rebels) Chapter 1

Halakhic Process 16 – Rambam and Rabbinic Authority / Mamrim 1

Ep. 95 Halakhic Process 15 – Emergency Rulings / Hora’at Sha’ah

Rabbi Yuter’s Halakhic Process series confronts examples of Jewish law adapting to extenuating circumstances. In particular, this shiur explores the three halakhic idioms of “et la’asot”, “hora’at sha’ah,” and “sha’at hadechak.”

Halakhic Process 15 – Emergency Rulings Sources (PDF)

Halakhic Process 15 – Emergency Rulings

Ep. 93 Halakhic Process 14 – Rambam’s / Maimonides’ Approach To Jewish Law Part 2

Rabbi Josh Yuter’s halakhic process series moves to the post-Talmudic period with a discussion of Rambam’s / Maimonides’ approach to Jewish law and his own halakhic methodology.

Rambam’s / Maimonides’ Approach To Jewish Law Part 2 Sources (PDF)

Rambam’s / Maimonides’ Approach To Jewish Law Part 2

Ep. 92 Halakhic Process 13 – Rambam’s / Maimonides’ Approach To Jewish Law Part 1

Rabbi Josh Yuter’s halakhic process series moves to the post-Talmudic period with a discussion of Rambam’s / Maimonides’ approach to Jewish law and his own halakhic methodology.

Halakhic Process – Rambam’s / Maimonides’ Approach To Jewish Law Part 1 Sources (PDF)

Halakhic Process 13 – Rambam’s / Maimonides’ Approach To Jewish Law Part 1

Ep. 90 Halakhic Process – Popular Practice and the Process of Psak / The Role of Custom in Jewish Law

Rabbi Yuter’s series on the Halakhic Process turns to the role of minhag/custom in the halakhic system with a special presentation of his classic post Popular Practice and the Process of Psak – The Role of Custom in Jewish Law

Popular Practice and the Process of Psak / The Role of Custom in Jewish Law Sources (PDF)

Popular Practice and the Process of Psak / The Role of Custom in Jewish Law

Ep. 88 Halakhic Process 11 – Marit Ha’ayin / How Not To Be Seen

Rabbi Yuter challenges the conventional assumptions regarding “marit ha’ayin” and the concern for public perception in Jewish practice.

Halakhic Process 11 – Marit Ayin How Not To Be Seen Sources (PDF)

Halakhic Process 11 – Marit Ayin How Not To Be Seen Sources

Ep. 86 Halakhic Process 10d – Assuming Additional Responsibilities

It turns out for podcast subscribers I need to post each class individually and not in one big post. Part 3 in my sub-series on stringencies in Jewish Law discusses the rabbinic attitude towards assuming additional religious responsibilities beyond what is required by Jewish law.

Halakhic Process 10 – Stringenceis (PDF)

Assuming Additional Responsibilities

Ep. 85 Halakhic Process 10c – Lifnim Mishurat Hadin / Above and Beyond the Law

It turns out for podcast subscribers I need to post each class individually and not in one big post. Part 3 in my sub-series on stringencies in Jewish Law focuses on the curious mandate of Lifnim Mishurat Hadin – going “above and beyond the law.”

Halakhic Process 10 – Stringenceis (PDF)

Lifnim Mishurat Hadin / Going Above and Beyond the Law