Category: Sermons, Lectures, and Divrei Torah

Ep. 41 Confronting Chosenness 1 – Biblical Foundations

Rabbi Yuter begins a brand new shiur series titled “Confronting Chosenness” which will discuss Jewish exceptionalism in thought and practice. This first class begins exploring the biblical foundations the Jews being God’s “chosen people”.

Confronting Chosenness 1 – Biblical Foundations Sources (PDF)

Confronting Chosenness 1 – Biblical Foundations

Episode 36 – Politics of Exclusion: Saul Lieberman and the Orthodox Part 3

Rabbi Yuter’s Politics of Exclusion class returns, examining the hareidi reaction to Saul Lieberman

Politics of Exclusion – Saul Lieberman and the Orthodox 3 Sources (PDF)
Politics of Exclusion – Saul Lieberman and the Orthodox Part 3

Episode 36 – Politics of Exclusion: Saul Lieberman and the Orthodox Part 2

Rabbi Yuter’s Politics of Exclusion segment on Saul Lieberman continues with a specific charge against Saul Lieberman, his response, and concludes with a game changing twist.

Saul Lieberman and the Orthodox Part 2 Sources (PDF)

Politics of Exclusion – Saul Lieberman and the Orthodox Part 2

Episode 35 – Politics of Exclusion: Saul Lieberman and the Orthodox Part 1

Rabbi Josh Yuter starts a new section in his Politics of Exclusion series discussing the Orthodox reaction to Saul Lieberman after accepting his position at JTS.

Politics of Exclusion – Saul Lieberman and the Orthodox Part 1 Sources (PDF)

Politics of Exclusion – Saul Lieberman and the Orthodox Part 1

All texts are from Saul Lieberman and the Orthodox by Marc Shapiro and is a highly purchase and read in its entirety.

Kosher Cheese

By community request, my class topic for this past Shavuot was on the issues related to kosher cheese. For obvious reasons there is no audio, but for those interested in the topic I’m attaching the source sheet. If anyone is interested in the details I would be happy to discuss offline, or you’re more than welcome to book a speaking engagement :-)

Kosher Cheese Sources (PDF)

Mishnah and Babylonian Talmud translations are Soncino’s, the Yerushalmi translation is from Jacob Neusner.

Episode 34 – Politics of Exclusion: R. Moshe Feinstein on Non-Observant Jews

Having discussed R. Moshe Feinstein’s antipathy towards Conservative and Reform Rabbis, Rabbi Yuter considers R. Moshe Feinstein’s attitude toward non-observant Jewish masses.

Politics of Exclusion – R. Moshe Feinstein on Non-Observant Jews Sources (PDF)

Politics of Exclusion – R. Moshe Feinstein on Non-Observant Jews

Episode 33 – Politics of Exclusion: R. Moshe Feinstein on Conservative Conversions

Rabbi Yuter’s Politics of Exclusion series continues with a discussion of R. Moshe Feinstein’s opinions related to the conversions of Conservative Jews.

R. Moshe Feinstein vs. Conservative Conversions Sources (PDF)

Politics of Exclusion – R. Moshe on Conservative Conversions

Who’s Who in the Talmud: R. Yochanan Part 1

Rabbi Yuter’s Who’s Who in the Talmud series shifts to the Amoraic period, beginning with the great Eretz Yisrael Amora R. Yochanan.

Who’s Who in the Talmud – R. Yochanan Part 1 Sources (PDF)

Who’s Who in the Talmud – R. Yochanan Part 1

Episode 31 – Politics of Exclusion: R. Moshe Feinstein vs. Conservative and Reform Weddings

Rabbi Josh Yuter’s Politics of Exclusion class continues with a discussion of R. Moshe Feinstein’s opinions regarding the halakhic status of weddings and marriages of Reform and Conservative Rabbis.

R. Moshe Feinstein vs Conservative and Reform Weddings Sources (PDF)

Politics of Exclusion – R. Moshe Feinstein vs Conservative and Reform Weddings

Episode 30 – Who’s Who in the Talmud: R. Yehuda Hanasi

In a Very Special edition of Who’s Who in the Talmud, Rabbi Josh Yuter’s presentation on R. Yehudah Hanasi gets a surprise visitor in Rabbi Alan Yuter (RY 1.0) who drops by for some classic history, literary, and grammar goodness. The Bad News: the voice recorder’s battery dies in the middle.

Who’s Who in the Talmud – R. Yehuda Hanasi Sources (PDF)

Who’s Who in the Talmud – R. Yehuda Hanasi