Category: Confronting Chosenness

Ep. 52 Confronting Chosenness 7 – Matan Torah in Rabbinic Thought

Rabbi Yuter’s Confronting Chosenness class examines some rabbinic midrashim describing the Jews’ acceptance of the Torah.

Confronting Chosenness 7 – Matan Torah in Rabbinic Thought Sources (PDF)

Confronting Chosenness 7 – Matan Torah in Rabbinic Thought

Ep. 51 Confronting Chosenness 6 – Avraham in Rabbinic Thought

Rabbi Yuter’s Confronting Chosenness class turns to Rabbinic narratives on Avraham’s chosenness and their broader implications.

Confronting Chosenness 6 – Avraham in Rabbinic Thought Sources (PDF)

Confronting Chosenness 6 – Avraham in Rabbinic Thought

Ep. 49 Confronting Chosenness 5 – Rabbinic Perspectives Cosmic vs Conditional Chosenness

Rabbi Yuter’s Confronting Chosenness introduces Rabbinic era perspectives with a discussion on if the Jewish people’s status as “chosen” is the result of an eternal cosmic decision or the result of a deliberate choice.

Confronting Chosenness 5 – Rabbinic Perspectives Cosmic vs Conditional Sources (PDF)

Confronting Chosenness 5 – Rabbinic Perspectives Cosmic vs Conditional

Ep. 47 Confronting Chosenness 4 – Jews and Non-Jews in the Bible

Rabbi Yuter’s Confronting Chosenness class concludes the Biblical segment with a discussion of how the Bible expects the Jews/Israelites were supposed to be distinguished from the other nations.

Confronting Chosenness 4 – Jews and Non-Jews in the Bible Sources (PDF)

Confronting Chosenness 4 – Jews and Non-Jews in the Bible

Ep. 45 Confronting Chosenness 3 – Breaking the Covenant

In this installment of Confronting Chosenness, Rabbi Yuter explores the question if the Jewish covenant with God can in fact be broken.

Confronting Chosenness 3 – Breaking the Covenant Sources (PDF)

Confronting Chosenness 3 – Breaking the Covenant

Ep. 43 Confronting Chosenness 2 – Biblical Covenants

Rabbi Josh Yuter’s Confronting Chosenness series continues discussing various biblical covenants and their implications for understanding the nature of Jewish chosenness.

Confronting Chosenness 2 – Biblical Covenants Sources (PDF)

Confronting Chosenness 2 – Biblical Covenants

Ep. 41 Confronting Chosenness 1 – Biblical Foundations

Rabbi Yuter begins a brand new shiur series titled “Confronting Chosenness” which will discuss Jewish exceptionalism in thought and practice. This first class begins exploring the biblical foundations the Jews being God’s “chosen people”.

Confronting Chosenness 1 – Biblical Foundations Sources (PDF)

Confronting Chosenness 1 – Biblical Foundations