Category: Podcasts

Ep. 162 The Farewell Class / A Shiur on Shimush

10448187_10203879921816460_5543220851218771374_nOn July 9th I delivered my final class at The Stanton St. Shul where I have been the rabbi for the past six years. Unfortunately, my attempts to record the video and audio both failed, so I re-recorded much of what was relevant in a preview of future “seasons” of podcasting. While I am disappointed that much of the emotion and personality from the original presentation may not have come though, part of me feels that it’s only fitting to share full emotional range in the intimate setting comprised of the community which shared the very same experiences.

The purpose of this class was primarily to explain my approach towards leading the synagogue as its Rav, why and how I came to make some of the decisions I did, based on my own skills and capacity and the state of the shul as I saw it. At the very least I hope I can provide at least a partial sample of “behind the scenes” thinking and perhaps provide possibilities, solutions, or even just inspiration for those interested in leading or managing a religious community.

Ep. 162 The Farewell Class / A Shiur on Shimush

Current Jewish Questions 1-50(ish) – The Stanton St. Shul Years

One of the great joys I’ve had in my time as the Rav of The Stanton St. Shul is the opportunity not just to teach Torah, but to do so in ways which may be more meaningful and relevant to people than they’ve previously encountered. The intent behind my Current Jewish Questions series was to start with real-world examples and explore some laws or ideas particular relevant to an actual situation. In this way, even obscure or difficult texts become accessible and relatable.

None of these classes were intended to be comprehensive – I’m constantly updating my own source sheets as I come across new material – but I hope they can serve as a useful introduction to many of the questions Jews encounter while living in the modern world, even if we cannot provide (or intentionally avoid) giving definitive answers.

Below is the complete list of all the Current Jewish Questions classes from my time at The Stanton St. Shul. 1 Please enjoy listening to the audio, following along with the source sheets, and feel free to adapt and modify these classes as you see fit for your own educational needs.


  1. More classes were given though not all were uploaded for technical or quality reasons, hence the inconsistency in numbering. Either that or I simply can’t count.

Ep. 159 Current Jewish Questions 50 – Halakhic Humor

Rabbi Yuter closes out his Current Jewish Questions series at The Stanton Street Shul with a Very Special 50th class discussing parameters of humor in Rabbinic Judaism.

Current Jewish Questions – Halakhic Humor Sources (PDF)

Current Jewish Questions – Halakhic Humor

Ep. 158 Current Jewish Questions 49 – Reparations for Slavery and Discrimination

Inspired by Ta-Nehisi Coates’ recent Atlantic essay The Case for Reparations, Rabbi Yuter addresses this complicated topic through Biblical and Rabbinic sources.

Current Jewish Questions – Reparations Sources (PDF)

Current Jewish Questions – Reparations

Ep. 155 Current Jewish Questions 47 – Science and Judaism

This class introduces the topic of how to handle when Judaism and science conflict with each other.

Current Jewish Questions – Science and Judaism Sources (PDF)

Current Jewish Questions – Science and Judaism