JIB Awards Finals

It looks like we made the finals for the Jewish Blog Awards in all the categories for which we were nominated:
- Best Small Blog
- Best Anti-Establishment Blog
- Best Jewish Religious Post (for the Response to the Conservative Teshuva on Homosexuality post)
- Best Series (For the complete coverage of the Conservative Teshuva)
While it would be a nice ego boost to win in any category (i.e. go vote!), I realize that it’s a popularity contest and we’re up against stiff competition in all categories. When YUTOPIA started nearly four years ago there was no expectations of readership let alone awards – and the same goes for the individual posts. Personally I am proud of the posts on the Conservative Teshuvot as an honest Orthodox response to a watershed moment in American Judaism and regardless of the voting outcome the contents are still there people to find and read.
Thanks to everyone who voted in Round 1 and feel free to continue voting the the Finals (and pass it on). Either way we’ll keep blogging sporadically as you all expect.