Category: Meta

JIB Awards Finals

It looks like we made the finals for the Jewish Blog Awards in all the categories for which we were nominated:

While it would be a nice ego boost to win in any category (i.e. go vote!), I realize that it’s a popularity contest and we’re up against stiff competition in all categories. When YUTOPIA started nearly four years ago there was no expectations of readership let alone awards – and the same goes for the individual posts. Personally I am proud of the posts on the Conservative Teshuvot as an honest Orthodox response to a watershed moment in American Judaism and regardless of the voting outcome the contents are still there people to find and read.
Thanks to everyone who voted in Round 1 and feel free to continue voting the the Finals (and pass it on). Either way we’ll keep blogging sporadically as you all expect.

More JIB Fun

I’ve also been informed that we’ve been nominated for “Best Small Blog.” You’d think I’d hear of these things in advance. Regardless, vote if you’d like while Round 1 is still going on.
I’m also mildly amused that someone thought to hack the system. Anyone remember when blogging was lishma?

JIB Awards Starting

We’ve been nominated for the Jewish Blog Award for “Best Anti-Establishment Blog as well as for our coverage of the Conservative teshuvot on homosexuality. It seems to be an open voting (read: popularity) contest which given the open nomination process needs to be conducted in rounds.
Anyway, if you’d like to vote for YUTOPIA and give me the opportunity to add another snazzy graphic to the sidebar, you can start with the best in class voting (the best post and series voting is not open yet).
I’ll post updates as needed.

New Commenting Policies

In a move sure to placate literally tens of people, I have removed the TypeKey requirement for commenting on the blog. As an alternative, all you need to do is enter the name of this blog (case insensitive) in the supplied field and your comment will be posted automatically. Otherwise you will not see an error, but your comment will be labeled as “junk” and will likely been discarded with the blog-spam. If you were one of the few who registered, your TypeKey account will still work and will let you bypass the filter.
Hopefully people will find this mechanism to be less intrusive than having to register with TypeKey.
Thanks again go out to Shaya for the plugin installation.

The Award Winning YUTOPIA

Dear Loyal Readers,
I am very pleased to announce that we have just won our first J-Blog award! YUTOPIA is a Silver Winner in the “Best Jewish Culture Blog” category because apparently if there’s anything I know it’s Jewish culture.
In all honestly I have no idea how these things work especially since I’m not sure I’d put 2006 as one of my best blogging years (a 5 year retrospective will be forthcoming around May). In the meantime I must thank the newly redesigned Town Crier for the initial nomination and now I get to add this snappy little graphic to the sidebar:

2006 J-Blog Winner

YUTOPIA’s First Non-Contest

Dear Loyal Readers,
Some of you may remember my attending an O.A.R. concert at MSG last year. This Saturday night at 8:00 O.A.R is once again playing MSG, but this time I have *two* tickets since I thought it would probably be more fun to go with someone else this time around.
So here’s the deal: I’m looking for someone to come with me and occupy Section 2 Row R Seat 3 or 4. Ideally, someone who is be easygoing, genuinely cool1, and appreciate O.A.R. or at least that type of music.2 Not knowing the legal ramifications, I’m hesitant to announce this as an official contest but anyone interested should either leave a comment or e-mail – proxies on behalf of others are accepted as well – and I’ll select a “non-winner” later in the week.

1. To provide much needed balance
2. Folk/Rock/Indie/Reggae. Or you can go to their website for samples.

Don’t Copy That Rabbi

Much to my dismay I recently discovered that this blog has been plagiarized. Specifically, my post The Mind Of A Matchmaker has been reproduced here1, links intact, indicating that the “Admin” actually copied and posted the HTML source code. That’s it.
No link back, no byline. Zip.

I feel like Metallica (and not in the good way).
Folks, this blog is published under a very reasonable license which really isn’t that difficult to follow. The basic gist is that anyone is free to reproduce this blog provided:

  1. There is proper attribution
  2. The reproduction is for a non-commercial purposes
  3. You don’t make derivative works from it

I haven’t had a problem with this until now since whenever this blog has been used I’ve been quoted and people have asked permission (which I’ve granted every time I can remember). When I found the post in question I immediately e-mailed the following to the Admin.

Dear Admin,
My name is R. Josh Yuter and run the blog YUTOPIA. recently came across your post here:
Which was copied unattributed from one of my earlier blog posts here:
I publish my blog under creative commons license which allows for reproduction of content, provided attribution is given:
That said I will not request removal of your post, but would ask for the proper attribution and link back to the original post.
Thanks and Shana Tova

Thus far, no reply.
I have a shiur I need to write up on copyright law in halakha, but regardless of any potential issurim it’s just so simple to comply with the license that violations are very frustrating.

1. I know by linking there I am directing traffic to them, but the example is well worth it.

Up And Running…Again

Welcome back to the new and improved YUTOPIA!
I finally have most of the site in working order, including the Jewish Guitar Chords Archive. Search is currently down, but I’ll have to talk to Shaya about that. If you’re wondering, I’m using a heavily modified version of Lilia Ahner’s Stevenson style. The new layout and templates should help page loads. The code is certainly cleaner, with valid XHTML and valid CSS.
I’ll probably be making some smaller cosmetic changes as I notice all the new quirks. If you happen to find any problems or would like to offer helpful suggestions, please let me know.

Upcoming Updates

Dear Loyal Readers,
Sometime over the weekend, I’m going to be making some major updates to the back-end of the site. Although we moved to a newer version of MovableType some time ago I didn’t have the time to reset templates to take full advantage of all the features. Also, this will likely entail a change in the design, which in my opinion is long overdue. Hopefully I won’t mess things up too badly, but don’t be surprised if things appear a little messy at some point. Also I hope to get to writing some more including my thoughts on Edah’s demise and a few other things about which I have been thinking.