Category: Judaism

Ep. 42 Fundamentals of Judaism 1 – Introduction

Rabbi Yuter’s new Fundamentals of Judaism class begins by explaining the unique approach we’ll be taking on this intellectual journey.

Fundamentals of Judaism 1 – Introduction

Ep. 41 Confronting Chosenness 1 – Biblical Foundations

Rabbi Yuter begins a brand new shiur series titled “Confronting Chosenness” which will discuss Jewish exceptionalism in thought and practice. This first class begins exploring the biblical foundations the Jews being God’s “chosen people”.

Confronting Chosenness 1 – Biblical Foundations Sources (PDF)

Confronting Chosenness 1 – Biblical Foundations

Episode 40: Politics of Exclusion – Conclusion and Summary

Rabbi Josh Yuter concludes the Politics of Exclusion shiur series with a general discussion incorporating and previous classes. Many thanks for following!

Politics of Exclusion – Conclusion and Summary

Episode 39 – Politics of Exclusion: Preserving Gender Roles Part 2 – Women Rabbis

Rabbi Yuter discusses the recent controvery of Maharat/Rabba and women serving leadership roles in Judaism

Preserving Gender Roles 2 – Women Rabbis Sources (PDF)

Preserving Gender Roles 2 – Women Rabbis

A Judaism of Laws or of Men

An Orthodox colleague recently created a controversy after writing a blog post explaining why he no longer recites the blessing shelo asani isha – thanking God for not creating him as a woman. Several Orthodox rabbis criticized this position for various reasons with one even questioning the author’s right to call himself “Orthodox,” ostensibly for deviating from the traditional liturgy through his omission. In the grand scheme of Orthodox Jewish history this rabbi’s personal choice is relatively trivial. However, in the subsequent squabbling over one rabbi’s legitimacy, the Orthodox rabbinate inadvertently exposes the inherent cognitive dissonance prevalent in the contemporary Orthodox community.

Episode 38 – Politics of Exclusion: Preserving Gender Roles Part 1 – Mechitzah

Rabbi Yuter’s Politics of Exclusion series shifts focus to on Orthodox Judaism’s ethos of preserving traditional gender roles, beginning with the topic of mechitzah vs. separate seating in the synagogue.

Preserving Gender Roles 1 – Mechitzah Sources (PDF)

Preserving Gender Roles 1 – Mechitzah

“Gadolatry” In Orthodox Jewish Discourse

I first heard the term “gadolatry” attributed to the late professor Arthur Hertzberg. A portmanteau of “gadol” and “idolatry,” the word “gadolatry” refers to a perceived phenomenon in Orthodox Judaism where select rabbinic leaders are treated with a degree of deference or reverence, bordering on worshipping the person of the rabbi himself. That Dr. Hertzberg would coin such an inflammatory term is not surprising given his personality, such that any reactions of offense or outrage are as intentional as they are predictable. However, it has been my experience that those strong passions on either side have turned the reasonable question of the role of the gadol in Judaism into the single greatest impediment to intelligent religious discourse in the Orthodox Jewish community.

While I have no expectations of resolving this divisive issue, I do hope to explicate the rationales implied when one invokes a gadol, and why others may find such an argument unconvincing.

Episode 37 – Politics of Exclusion: Saul Lieberman and the Orthodox Part 4

Rabbi Yuter concludes the segment on Saul Lieberman and the Orthodox discussing attributions of Saul Lieberman’s scholarship and the failed attempt at creating a beit din with Conservative and Orthodox input.

Politics of Exclusion – Saul Lieberman and the Orthodox 4 Sources (PDF)

Politics of Exclusion – Saul Lieberman and the Orthodox Part 4

Episode 36 – Politics of Exclusion: Saul Lieberman and the Orthodox Part 3

Rabbi Yuter’s Politics of Exclusion class returns, examining the hareidi reaction to Saul Lieberman

Politics of Exclusion – Saul Lieberman and the Orthodox 3 Sources (PDF)
Politics of Exclusion – Saul Lieberman and the Orthodox Part 3

Episode 36 – Politics of Exclusion: Saul Lieberman and the Orthodox Part 2

Rabbi Yuter’s Politics of Exclusion segment on Saul Lieberman continues with a specific charge against Saul Lieberman, his response, and concludes with a game changing twist.

Saul Lieberman and the Orthodox Part 2 Sources (PDF)

Politics of Exclusion – Saul Lieberman and the Orthodox Part 2