Tag: Brit

Ep. 67 The Halakhic Process 2 – Contracts with God

In this installment of The Halakhic Process series, Rabbi Yuter explores the biblical covenants which form the basis for the Jewish people’s relationship with God and their obligations to perform his will.

Halakhic Process 2 – Contracts with God Sources (PDF)

Halakhic Process 2 – Contracts with God Sources

Ep. 41 Confronting Chosenness 1 – Biblical Foundations

Rabbi Yuter begins a brand new shiur series titled “Confronting Chosenness” which will discuss Jewish exceptionalism in thought and practice. This first class begins exploring the biblical foundations the Jews being God’s “chosen people”.

Confronting Chosenness 1 – Biblical Foundations Sources (PDF)

Confronting Chosenness 1 – Biblical Foundations