Category: Sermons, Lectures, and Divrei Torah

Episode 17 – Politics of Exclusion: Hasidim vs. Mitnagdim

In this installment of Politics of Exclusion Rabbi Yuter offers a general overview of the dispute between Hasidim and the Mitnagdim, focusing on the dynamics of the dispute with modern parallels.

Hasidim vs. Mitnagdim Sources (PDF)

Episode 17 – Politics of Exclusion: Hasidim vs. Mitnagdim

Episode 16 – Love in Judaism

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Rabbi Yuter leads a Beit Midrash session discussing interpersonal and romantic love in Judaism.

Love in Judaism Source Sheet (PDF)

Episode 16 – Love in Judaism

Episode 15 – Politics of Exclusion: Versus Rambam

After several weeks discussing Rambam in the Politics of Exclusion Series, Rabbi Yuter introduces opposition to fundamental principles of Maimonidean thought.

Politics of Exclusion – Versus Rambam Sources (PDF)

Politics of Exclusion – Versus Rambam

Episode 14 – Politics of Exclusion: Rambam on Leadership by Fear, Repentance

Part of Rabbi Yuter’s Politics of Exclusion in Judaism Series, this class concludes Chapter 3 of Rambam’s Laws of Repentance, discussing the Leadership by Fear and the redemptive powers of repentance.

Politics of Exclusion – Rambam, Leadership by Fear, Conclusion & Repentance

Episode 13 – The Death of R. Akiva

In the final “Who’s Who in the Talmud” segment on R. Akiva, Rabbi Yuter discusses R. Akiva’s days in prison and execution.

Who’s Who in the Talmud – The Death of R. Akiva Source Sheet PDF

Episode 13 – Who’s Who in the Talmud – The Death of R. Akiva

Episode 12 – Mesira / Informers in Jewish Law

In this special class Rabbi Yuter discusses the parameters of Mesirah – Jews informing on other Jews to secular authorities, focusing on Talmudic sources.

Mesirah Sources (PDF)

Episode 12 – Mesirah / Informers in Jewish Law

Episode 11 – Politics of Exclusion in Judaism: Rambam and Separating from the Community

Part of his Politics of Exclusion Series, Rabbi Yuter discusses Rambam’s view of Poreish Min Hatzibur – Separating oneself from the community.

Episode 11 – Politics of Exclusion – Rambam and Separating From the Community

Episode 10 – Who’s Who in the Talmud: R. Akiva and Bar Kochvah

Part of Rabbi Josh Yuter’s “Who Who in the Talmud” series, this class discusses R. Akiva’s messianic endorsement of Bar Kochva.

Click here for PDF source sheet for Y. Ta’anit 4:5 68d-69a.

Episode 10 – Who’s Who in the Talmud: R. Akiva and Bar Kochva

Episode 9 – Politics of Exclusion, Rambam on Tzadok and Baitus

Episode 9 – Politics of Exclusion – Rambam on Tzadok and Baitus

In this part of his Politics of Exclusion Series, Rabbi Yuter discusses Rambam’s description of the Sadducean and Baithusian sects with its implications for today.

Episode 8 – Encountering Avoda Zara

The first Tuesday of every month I lead a Beit Midrash session at the Stanton St. Shul. These topics vary from month to month, often coinciding with the Jewish or secular calendar. This month, I chose to deal with some issues of Avoda Zara due to some questions which kept coming up lately in shul.

This class is by no means comprehensive; covering this topic properly would probably take at least a year. Still the point is to raise certain issues and hopefully lead people to ask better halakhic questions.

Episode 8 – Encountering Avoda Zara