Category: Podcasts

Metzora 2021 – Figure of Speech

In which we learn how succumbing to “bad speech” can negate a good person’s righteousness.

Tzav 2021 – Foolish Sacrifices

Offering sacrifices isn’t only about following technical procedure. The intent of the supplication is of critical importance.

Vayikra 2020 – Accepting What is Offered

Whose sacrifices are accepted and whose are not?

Vayakyel/Pekudei 2021 – The Moses Standard

In which Moses leads by example in demonstrating the care leaders and organizations should take with managing public funds.

Ki Tisa 2020 – Come Get Your People

Moses overrides God regarding communal inclusion and owns the consequences.

Purim 2020 – Hanging Plants

In which trees vie for the honor to hang Haman, and what this might have to do with the revelation at Sinai.

Tetzaveh 2020 – Know Your Role

In which God both soothes and rebukes an upset Moses

Terumah 2020 – Guest Room for God

What is needed for God to dwell among the Jewish people?

Mishpatim 2020 – Small Steps in Judgment

In which judges need to take baby steps to keep from being exposed

Yitro 2020 – One God, Many Voices

In which people hearing different things from God doesn’t mean there are many Gods.