Category: Podcasts

Ep. 133 Current Jewish Questions 40 – Egalitarianism

Rabbi Josh Yuter presents his framework for understanding the controversial topic of Egalitarianism in Judaism, using Biblical and Rabbinic Laws to define the parameters of the Torah’s ethical imperatives.

Current Jewish Questions 40 – Egalitarianism Sources (PDF)

Current Jewish Questions 40 – Egalitarianism

Ep. 131 Current Jewish Questions 39 – Gambling in Jewish Law

In this edition of Current Jewish Questions, Rabbi Yuter explores the surprisingly complicated subject of how Judaism views gambling.

Current Jewish Questions 39 – Gambling in Jewish Law Sources (PDF)

Current Jewish Questions 39 – Gambling in Jewish Law Sources

Electricity in Jewish Law Class Series

In 2013 I regave a class series on Electricity I had done before I started recording classes. This time around I was elated to have Dr. Alan Mincer deliver an special introductory class on the science of electricity, which ought to be required knowledge for anyone discussing its halakhic ramifications.

Ep. 130 Current Jewish Questions 38 – Electricity in Jewish Law 4 Positive Commandments

In the final installment of the sub-unit on Electricity in Jewish Law, Rabbi Yuter examines additional areas of halakhah where electricity may play a part.

Current Jewish Questions 38 – Electricity in Jewish Law 4 Sources (PDF)

Current Jewish Questions 38 – Electricity in Jewish Law 4

Ep. 126 Current Jewish Questions 37 – Electricity in Jewish Law 3, R. Moshe Feinstein on Microphones and Hearing Aids on Shabbat

After a brief discussion of the fire tetrahedron, Rabbi Yuter leads a discussion examining and contrasting R. Moshe Feinstein’s rulings prohibiting the use of a microphone on Shabbat while permitting the use of hearing aids.

Current Jewish Questions – Electricity in Jewish Law 3 Sources (PDF)

Current Jewish Questions – Electricity in Jewish Law 3

Ep. 125 Laws of Shabbat 01 – Introduction, Defining Terms and Intentions.

ShabbatRabbi Yuter begins a new series on the Laws of Shabbat, following Rambam’s Mishnah Torah. This series follows the translation of R. Eliyahu Touger, whose highly recommended volumes may be found here (for the cheapest price I could find as of this post):

Laws of Shabbat 01