Category: Judaism

Ep. 52 Confronting Chosenness 7 – Matan Torah in Rabbinic Thought

Rabbi Yuter’s Confronting Chosenness class examines some rabbinic midrashim describing the Jews’ acceptance of the Torah.

Confronting Chosenness 7 – Matan Torah in Rabbinic Thought Sources (PDF)

Confronting Chosenness 7 – Matan Torah in Rabbinic Thought

The Selective Sanctimony of Orthodox Judaism

At times it seems that the Orthodox rabbinate has little more to contribute to the world of Jewish ideas than proclamations declaring who is, or more precisely who is not, “Orthodox.” Consider a few recent examples. This past summer Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky wrote a blog post (since removed) discussing his aversion to reciting the daily blessing shelo asani isha, thanking God for not having made him a woman. In response, Rabbi Dov Fischer castigated R. Kanefsky and the community he represents as, “propagating their views without being subjected to scrutiny and critique by those committed to a Mesorah-driven frumkeit” [emphasis added]. In other words, R. Kanefsky’s halakhic opinion is not part of the genuine “mesorah/tradition,” which R. Fischer apparently does possess. Another writer echoes R. Fischer sentiment more explicitly, “In my view this not only takes Rabbi Kanefsky out of the realm of Orthodoxy, it firmly puts him into the realm of Conservative Judaism.”

Ep. 50 Fundamentals of Judaism 5 – Basis for Rabbinic Authority

In this Very Special 50th Podcast, Rabbi Yuter’s Fundamentals of Judaism explores the basis for Rabbinic authority.

Fundamentals of Judaism 5 – Basis for Rabbinic Authority Sources (PDF)

Fundamentals of Judaism 5 – Basis for Rabbinic Authority

Kosher Dishwashers for Meat and Dairy

One reason why I started this blog way back when was to post answers to frequently asked questions, and this is a perfect example. I often get asked about kashering dishwashers and how to use them for meat and dairy dishes.

I will not go into a full treatment here of the multiple opinions, but I’ve found people seem genuinely shocked when I cite the opinion of the Shulhan Aruch, a usually acceptable source which in this case is relatively lenient compared to other opinions or conventional understanding.

Ep. 48 Fundamentals of Judaism 4 – What God Wants

Rabbi Josh Yuter addresses biblical solutions to the fundamental question: What Does God Want?

Fundamentals of Judaism 4 – What God Wants Sources (PDF)

Fundamentals of Judaism 4 – What God Wants

Ep. 47 Confronting Chosenness 4 – Jews and Non-Jews in the Bible

Rabbi Yuter’s Confronting Chosenness class concludes the Biblical segment with a discussion of how the Bible expects the Jews/Israelites were supposed to be distinguished from the other nations.

Confronting Chosenness 4 – Jews and Non-Jews in the Bible Sources (PDF)

Confronting Chosenness 4 – Jews and Non-Jews in the Bible

Why Same-Sex Marriage Violates Jewish Law

The national trend toward legalizing same-sex marriage has posed a unique challenge to Modern Orthodox Judaism. Part of the allure of Modern Orthodoxy is its willing integration with the secular world and in legitimizing a wider range of religious lifestyles than their parochial counterparts. However, the religious proscriptions against homosexual activity must necessarily limit the extent of Modern Orthodoxy’s pluralism. While the topic of homosexuality in Orthodox Judaism has been discussed at length elsewhere, the frequent focus is on individuals struggling with their personal conflicting religious and sexual identities. In contrast, gay marriage is a public announcement and celebration of two people embracing a lifestyle forbidden by Jewish law.

Ep. 46 Fundamentals of Judaism 3 – God in the Torah

In the third installment Fundamentals of Judaism, Rabbi Yuter explores how God is depicted in the Torah.

Fundamentals of Judaism 3 – God in the Torah Sources (PDF)

Fundamentals of Judaism 3 – God in the Torah

Ep. 44 Fundamentals of Judaism 2 – God and Torah

Rabbi Yuter discusses the importance of establishing the divine origins of the Torah as the foundational faith underlying Judaism.

Fundamentals of Judaism 2 – God and Torah Sources (PDF)

Fundamentals of Judaism 2 – God and Torah

Ep. 43 Confronting Chosenness 2 – Biblical Covenants

Rabbi Josh Yuter’s Confronting Chosenness series continues discussing various biblical covenants and their implications for understanding the nature of Jewish chosenness.

Confronting Chosenness 2 – Biblical Covenants Sources (PDF)

Confronting Chosenness 2 – Biblical Covenants