Category: Judaism

Ep. 68 Rabbinic Thought and Theology 3 – Gehenom / Hell

In this installment of Rabbinic Thought and Theology, Rabbi Yuter explores some of the Rabbinic descriptions for Gehenom, commonly understood as “Hell”

Rabbinic Thought and Theology 3 – Gehenom / Hell Sources (PDF)

Rabbinic Thought and Theology 3 – Gehenom / Hell

Ep. 67 The Halakhic Process 2 – Contracts with God

In this installment of The Halakhic Process series, Rabbi Yuter explores the biblical covenants which form the basis for the Jewish people’s relationship with God and their obligations to perform his will.

Halakhic Process 2 – Contracts with God Sources (PDF)

Halakhic Process 2 – Contracts with God Sources

Ep. 66 The Halakhic Process 1 – Introduction

Rabbi Yuter begins a brand new series exploring Jewish law from a systematic approach. In this introductory class, Rabbi Yuter presents some of the questions which the class will address and presents a vocabulary for discussing these crucial issues which are fundamental to Jewish life.

The Halakhic Process 1 – Introduction Sources (PDF)

The Halakhic Process 1 – Introduction

Blame Rabbis For Agunot, But For The Right Reasons

The following essay is derived from two recent classes/podcasts Understanding the Agunah Problem and Solutions to the Agunah Problem. These classes include several of the primary sources referenced below


The protracted divorce battle between Aharon Friedman and Tamar Epstein is the most publicized case of agunah in recent memory. An aggressive campaign led by the Organization for the Resolution of Agunot (ORA) capitalized on Mr. Friedman’s relatively prominent status as a congressional aide for David Camp. The efforts of numerous online and personal protests eventually led to mainstream media coverage from outlets such as Fox News, The New York Times and Politico which called national attention to Mr. Friedman’s refusal to grant his wife a halakhic divorce. As with virtually all cases of agunah, the recalcitrant party is vilified with public condemnations and communal pressure to acquiesce.1 When the specific goal is obtaining the immediate divorce, it is a relatively simple matter to identify the party responsible for obstructing the process and to protest accordingly. Others, however, find fault with the halakhic system, and in a desire to change the status quo to identify other sources of blame.

In a recent Forward blog post titled “On Agunah Issue, Pressure Rabbis, Not Rep” Dvora Myers argues that the plight of agunot is not only the fault of a recalcitrant husband but of the Rabbis for creating the regulations in the first place.

However, if withholding a get constitutes abuse, if the husband is indeed brandishing a psychological weapon and threatening his wife with it, then the question that should be asked: How did the gun get into his hand?

The answer is clear: It was put there by Jewish law, the rabbis who formulated it, and the rabbis who refuse to amend it.

Myers’ understanding of Jewish law is informed by Blu Greenberg’s famous dictum, “where there’s a rabbinic will, there’s a halakhic way,” thus placing the burden of agunot squarely with the Rabbis. Ultimately Myers concludes,

If maintaining a nearly thousand-year-old ruling is more important than offering women equality within the religion, I would at least like to see one of these rabbis condemning Friedman admit as much. It would be refreshingly honest to hear one of them say something like, “When faced with the choice of preserving tradition and promoting justice and equality that would give women the freedom to divorce, we choose the former.”

Most Orthodox Jews would agree that adhering to a thousand-year-old ruling is, in fact, more important than fulfilling the prevailing ethic of the day. This is due to a fundamentally different approach to Jewish law, one which assumes that halakhah is ultimately a representation of Divine Will. In this case, it would be strict adherence to the biblical laws of divorce in Deut. 24:1-1 and the capital offense for adultery in Lev. 20:10. It is important to consider that this approach to halakhah is shared by the agunot themselves, who while having the free will to ignore Jewish law and remarry as they wish, are committed first and foremost to keeping halakhah despite the immense challenges it presents.2 Thus, when a Rabbi adheres to Jewish law, even if it is unpopular, inconvenient, or even difficult for him to do so, he is not being an obstinate misogynist, but rather fulfilling his duty as a Rabbi.

But while it is misguided to blame Rabbis for following halakhah, it is completely legitimate to hold Rabbis accountable to the very halakhah which they espouse. Unfortunately, the Orthodox Rabbinate has not always lived up to their own ideals even when the lives agunot were at stake.

Ep. 63 Current Jewish Questions 10 – Solutions to the Agunah Problem

In this mega-podcast, Rabbi Yuter surveys some of contemporary solutions to the Agunah problem and discusses their merits, limitations, and flaws in light of Jewish law, history, and social politics.

Current Jewish Questions 10 – Solutions to the Agunah Problem Sources (PDF)

Current Jewish Questions 10 – Solutions to the Agunah Problem

Ep. 62 Current Jewish Questions 9 – Understanding the Agunah Problem

In the first of a two part class on Agunot, Rabbi Yuter discusses the primary halakhic texts for the agunah problem.

Current Jewish Questions 9 – Understanding the Agunah Problem Sources (PDF)

Current Jewish Questions 9 – Understanding the Agunah Problem

Rambam, Yeshiva Exemptions, and Intellectual Dishonesty

While reviewing the laws of Purim I noticed in the back of a popular vocalized edition of the Mishna Berurah an appendix titled Kuntres Hahanhagot Ve’Inyanei Mitzvot Hateluyot Ba’aretz, which ostensibly covers contemporary practices and laws exclusive to Israel. The title page gives no source or attribution for these rulings, though I’m sure one of my more inquisitive loyal readers will track down the author. But knowing who wrote these decisions is irrelevant for this post, only the content of the argument. In particular, it is a wonderful example of intellectual dishonesty from the selective citation of sources.

Ep. 61 Current Jewish Questions 8 – Dina Demalchuta Dina

In this installment of Current Jewish Questions, Rabbi Yuter discusses the sources and parameters of rabbinic principle of Dina Demalchuta Dina – The law of land is the law.

Current Jewish Questions 8 – Dina Demalchuta Dina Sources (PDF)

Current Jewish Questions 8 – Dina Demalchuta Dina