Category: Jewish Thought, Theology, and Machshava

Episode 23 – Who’s Who in the Talmud: R. Meir and Elisha Ben Avuyah / Acher

Rabbi Yuter discusses the passage in B. Chagiga 15a-b regarding the rabbinic heretic Elisha Ben Avukah aka “Acher” and his relationship with R. Meir, focusing on the particularly Babylonian influence of the narrative.

R. Meir and Elisha Ben Avuyah / Acher Sources (PDF)

R. Meir and Elisha Ben Avuyah / Acher

Economics and Social Justice in Jewish Law Part 3: Halakhic Labor Laws

In part 3 of his Economics and Social Justice series, Rabbi Yuter addresses the topic of Jewish Labor Laws from a holistic perspective, balancing the rights and obligations of both the employer and the employee.

Economics and Social Justice in Jewish Law – Halakhic Labor Laws Sources (PDF)

Economics and Social Justice in Jewish Law – Halakhic Labor Laws

Episode 22: Politics of Exclusion – Nodeh Beyehuda and R. Yaakov Emden

Rabbi Yuter’s Politics of Exclusion class continues with the Nodeh Beyehuda and R. Yaakov Emden responding to the rationalism of the late 1700’s. Includes reference to Alice’s Restaurant.

Nodeh Beyehuda and R. Yaakov Emden Sources (PDF)

Politics of Exclusion – Nodeh Beyehuda and R. Yaakov Emden

Economics and Social Justice in Jewish Law Part 2: Halakhic Market Controls

In part 2 of the Economics and Social Justice series, Rabbi Yuter discusses some examples of market controls in Jewish Law.

Economics and Social Justice in Jewish Law – Halakhic Market Controls Sources (PDF)

Economics and Social Justice in Jewish Law – Halakhic Market Controls

Episode 20 – Politics of Exclusion: Sephardim vs. Ashkenazim

Rabbi Yuter discusses Chaham Tzvi Responsa no. 38, featuring a conflict between an established Spanish/Portuguese synagogue and members crossing over to the newer Ashkenazi synagogues.

Politics of Exclusion – Sephardim vs. Ashkenazim

Episode 19 – Politics of Exclusion: David Berger vs. Chabad Lubavitch

In this installment of his “Politics of Exclusion” series, Rabbi Yuter tackles the highly controversial and publicized arguments of Rabbi Dr. David Berger against the messianic elements in Chabad Lubavitch.

Politics of Exclusion: David Berger vs. Chabad Lubavitch Sources (PDF)

Politics of Exclusion: David Berger vs. Chabad Lubavitch

Economics and Social Justice in Jewish Law Part 1: Free Market Ethics in Torah

Rabbi Josh Yuter begins his special lecture series on Economics and Social Justice in Judaism with an introduction to methodology and a demonstration of a free market ethos existing within the Rabbinic legal tradition. Audio and sources included.

Economics and Social Justice in Jewish Law Part 1 – Free Market Ethics Sources (PDF)

Economics and Social Justice in Jewish Law- Free Market Ethics in Judaism

Episode 17 – Politics of Exclusion: Hasidim vs. Mitnagdim

In this installment of Politics of Exclusion Rabbi Yuter offers a general overview of the dispute between Hasidim and the Mitnagdim, focusing on the dynamics of the dispute with modern parallels.

Hasidim vs. Mitnagdim Sources (PDF)

Episode 17 – Politics of Exclusion: Hasidim vs. Mitnagdim

Episode 16 – Love in Judaism

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, Rabbi Yuter leads a Beit Midrash session discussing interpersonal and romantic love in Judaism.

Love in Judaism Source Sheet (PDF)

Episode 16 – Love in Judaism

Episode 15 – Politics of Exclusion: Versus Rambam

After several weeks discussing Rambam in the Politics of Exclusion Series, Rabbi Yuter introduces opposition to fundamental principles of Maimonidean thought.

Politics of Exclusion – Versus Rambam Sources (PDF)

Politics of Exclusion – Versus Rambam