Tag: Universal health care

Economics and Social Justice in Jewish Law Part 6: The Laws and Ethics of Universal Health Care in Torah

While the current iteration and recording of the Economics and Social Justice series is being delivered to the Jewish Law Students Association at NYU, I thought I gave a better presentation of the material in 2009. However, to complete the series, I’m reposting the audio along with the sources.


Economics and Social Justice in Judaism Part 6 – The Halakhot and Ethics of Universal Health Care in Torah Sources (PDF)

Economics and Social Justice in Judaism Part 6 – The Halakhot and Ethics of Universal Health Care in Torah

Episode 3 – The Halakhot and Ethics of Universal Health Care in Torah

Rabbi Josh Yuter lectures on the laws and ethics of Universal Health Care in Torah from a holistic legal and ethical perspective, independent of popular politics.

Originally delivered November 19th 2009 at Mt. Sinai Congregation in Washington Heights

The Halakhot and Ethics of Universal Health Care in Torah Sources (PDF)

Episode 3 – The Halakhot and Ethics of Universal Health Care in Torah

Rabbi / Obama Health Care Conference Call

Yesterday morning I was one of 1,000 Rabbis listening in on a conference call with President Obama on the hot button issue of heath care reform. The call was organized by coalition of Conservative, Reform, and Reconstructionist organizatoins including
The Central Conference of American Rabbis, Union for Reform Judaism, Rabbinical Assembly, Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association, and coordinated by the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism.
Technically speaking I’m not sure I’m “supposed” to write about the call. The intent of the call was less informative on Obama’s position, but more for the Rabbis to explore how to address the health care controversy in their upcoming High Holiday sermons. (In a nice move by Obama’s handler’s he began his health care discussion by referencing unetaneh tokef). Nevertheless there were point which I took away from the call that I feel are worth sharing with the public at large.