Tag: soloveitchik

Ep. 119 Halakhic Process 25 – Open Orthodoxy

Dedicated to the memory of Mr. Ed Goldsmith

If there is a fallacy of ‘Open Orthodoxy,’ it is not that it isn’t ‘Orthodox,’
but that in reality it isn’t very ‘Open.’

In this important installment of the Halakhic Process series, Rabbi Yuter deconstructs the halakhic methodology of Rabbi Avi Weiss and his Open Orthodox approach to Jewish law.

Halakhic Process 25 – Open Orthodoxy Sources (PDF)

Halakhic Process 25 – Open Orthodoxy

Ep. 89 Current Jewish Questions 17 – Interfaith Interactions

Rabbi Yuter discusses the conditions under which interfaith dialogue can be constructive if not encouraged and when it may be better to avoid.

Current Jewish Questions – Interfaith Interactions Sources (PDF)

Current Jewish Questions – Interfaith Interactions

Episode 38 – Politics of Exclusion: Preserving Gender Roles Part 1 – Mechitzah

Rabbi Yuter’s Politics of Exclusion series shifts focus to on Orthodox Judaism’s ethos of preserving traditional gender roles, beginning with the topic of mechitzah vs. separate seating in the synagogue.

Preserving Gender Roles 1 – Mechitzah Sources (PDF)

Preserving Gender Roles 1 – Mechitzah