The Clerical Capriciousness of the Israeli Rabbanut

Back when I was a pulpit rabbi in New York, I used to write letters of Jewishness for congregants and friends about to make aliyah under the law of return. There had been no issues with the letters I had written, so it was a bit of a surprise when I made aliyah in 2014 that the letter that was written on my behalf was initially rejected.

I joked at the time that it was a conspiracy, but in truth, I assumed it was more of a bureaucratic paperwork problem1 and something I’d have to get used to once I got to Israel.2

For a few years, this made for a funny story I’d share from time to time about the quirks of the aliyah process and the bureaucracy of the Israeli government. But on June 15th, 2020, I received a phone call that was far less amusing.

YUTOPIA’s Favorite Books – 2020

It’s the end of 2020. You know what kind of year it’s been, I know what kind of year it’s been, let’s move on.

This is not a comprehensive list of the books I read or a ranking of what I think are the “best” books. Instead, I prefer to share the books I enjoyed reading the most in the hopes that maybe someone will find and enjoy something they otherwise might not have. Enjoyment for me doesn’t imply agreement, only that the book resonated in a profound way.

According to Goodreads, I read 62 books this year, which is a dropoff from the 106 books I read in 2019. On the plus side, whereas in 2019 I only enjoyed 2 of them to make the annual list, this year fared much better in terms of my reading enjoyment.

Without further ado, here is my list for YUTOPIA’s Favorite Books of 2020, ordered by date of completion. Maybe you’ll find something interesting and enjoyable here too.

Vayishlach 2020 – Fear vs Faith

This week’s midrash explores if experiencing fear means one lacks faith and if it’s possible to have too much faith in the face of danger.

Vayeitzei 2020 – Growing Through Conflict

This week’s midrash explores the possibility of conflict being essential to speiritual growth.

Toledot 2020 – The Corruption of Bribery

Not even the righteous are immune from the corrupting influence of bribery

Chayei Sarah 2020 – The Sun Also Rises + Bonus

This week’s midrash addresses the psychology of losing a leader with a theology of hope in continuity. Plus, a correction to last week and a bonus midrash.

Vayeira 2020 – Lying for the Sake of Peace

In this week’s Midrash on Parashat Vayeira, Rabbi Yuter turns to the Talmud for the perks and pitfalls of lying for the sake of peace