Category: Podcasts

Beshalach 2020 – Rejoicing over the Downfall of the Wicked

In which a popular midrash about the splitting of the sea says the exact opposite of how it’s usually cited.

Bo 2020 – Wisdom of the Elders

In which we discuss the unsung and forgotten heroes of the Exodus: The Elders of the Jewish people.

Va’Eira 2020 – Outsmarting God

Two biblical heroes try to outsmart God. It’s not good for either, but it’s much worse for one of them.

Shemot 2020 – Spare the Rod

Being a biblical hero doesn’t always translate to being a good parent.

Vayechi 2020 – Grave Concerns

We discuss why Jacob didn’t want to be buried in Egypt and why it is so important for many Jews to be buried in Israel.

Vayigash 2020 – Suspicious Minds

This week’s midrash considers when we’re supposed to be suspicious of others for our own protection and when it’s proper to give the benefit of the doubt.

Mikeitz 2020 – The Interpretation of Dreams

This week’s midrash discusses some different perspectives on the significance of dreams and their interpretations.

Vayeishev 2020 – A Lesson in Empathy

An ambiguous pronoun in Genesis 37:35 leads to a discussion about how we might share in someone else’s grief

Vayishlach 2020 – Fear vs Faith

This week’s midrash explores if experiencing fear means one lacks faith and if it’s possible to have too much faith in the face of danger.

Vayeitzei 2020 – Growing Through Conflict

This week’s midrash explores the possibility of conflict being essential to speiritual growth.