Author: Josh

VeZot Haberacha 2021 – Moses vs. Everyone

We conclude our first complete year of midrash study with Devarim Rabba 9:3, in which we find Moses facing off against Biblical heroes for supremacy

Sukkot 2021 – Frummer than God

In which Kohelet / Ecclesiastes Rabbah 7:25 warns about being more righteous than God

Ha’azinu 2021 – Empty Things

If Torah seems “empty” to us, does the fault lie with the Torah or ourselves?

Vayeilech 2021 – Original Sin

In which we find an variant of “original sin” in rabbinic literature

Nitzavim 2021 – Foolish Pride

In one of the most important midrashim relating to learning and development, we see how fools remain foolish and how the insightful can overcome.

Ki Tavo 2021 – Synagogue Life

In which we find the importance of going to synagogue, and some of its perks

Ki Teitzei 2021 – Whatcha Say That You Only Meant Well

In which we’re warned about lashon hara / slander even when we think it’s deserved

Shofetim 2021 – Aspects of Justice

In which we discuss two fundamental yet underappreciated components of “justice” in rabbinic thought

Re’eh 2021 – Expanding Israel

Can the land of Israel get larger?