Prelude To Niblings

Tomorrow will be quite the eventful day in the Yuter household as the niblings will be making their grand return to the states.
It should be loads of fun, and I may even get to spend time with one of them between the grandparents, great-grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and whomevers who have been clearing calanders for months.
I may even post some new pics since the kiddies provided enough of an impetous to finally purchase a digital camera. In a story which would make The Juggle Zone proud, we tried getting a Kodak EasyShare DX7440 from Circuit City, only to find that not only could we not pick it up at a local store, but they were out of stock all over. Fortunately, good ‘ol J & R came through again.
C’est la vie.
At any rate, this should be a fun few weeks, impending doom notwithstanding.

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  1. ALG
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