We Are Leaving To Mother Russia

The Moscow Times is reporting about a wave of Russians moving back from Israel. What’s really ironic is that they’re moving back for economic reasons as well as social and religious acceptance. Some stories are unfortunately old:
“One of them is that most highly educated immigrants have to take blue-collar jobs in Israel. “Doctors, physicians and mathematicians were cleaning the streets,” Gorin said.”
Personally I find the social and religious tensions more upsetting. I heard a line once where a Russian said, “When I was in Russia, I was a Jew. When I was in Israel, I was a Russian.”

    Another reason for returning was what Dzhadan called the “sectarian” structure of the society. In order to rent an apartment or find a job, a person has to operate through members of his party or immigrants from the same country or area.
    “I didn’t like it,” he said. “I’m used to operating in an open society where people don’t ask you to what community you belong.”

In another context, I once complained that for all the efforts put in to people making aliyah, there is relatively little effort in maintaining the people who are actually there.
Think about how bad it is when someone can seriously write, “Russia’s capitalist economy ‘allows you to exist regardless of your religious beliefs.'”
“Olam Hafuch Ra’iti” – (B. Pesahim 50a).


  1. sycamore tree
  2. Avi
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