Just some random postings today as I continue “enjoying” spring break:
- I added some Carlebach songs to the Chord Directory, so you might want to get the latest zip, or just download Simcha Le’artzecha and Asher Boro.
- The comments have been working well for the chords. I’ve been responding to most people via e-mail. I’d love to add more songs, so suggestions are appreciated (but actual chords would be most helpful).
- I’m in the process of tweaking the color scheme a bit. I’ve noticed that it looks much better on my laptop than it does on other monitors. As always, I’m open to all suggestions (especially if you’re Ephraim Shapiro).
- For all those who kept saying, “oh but Chicago is so cold!” I’d like to point out that yesterday was a beautiful 65. And yes, I did manage to spend some time outside and enjoy a lesuirley walk to the Point.
- Thursday, I’m going to see Guys and Dolls. It’s a professional troupe, but the theater is located on campus. Tickets are regularly $35 but $8 for UC students – not a bad deal.
That’s all for now. Evil Paper coming soon….
And seeing Guys & Dolls is mutar because…?
Gaon – The real question would be why is it assur. I’m assuming you’re referring to kol isha – which I do not think is a problem here. I can’t get into details now maybe in a later post. However, I went with my parents – Rabbinic father included to Les Mis and Phantom of the Opera.
Please, please don’t cite the Saul Berman article.
I don’t know your rabbinic father at all, but I saw his article about Rhetoric and Da’as Torah and, well,…
Maybe Josh paskens like Mordechai Levovitz. You might remember his article in the YU Commentator entitled “The Kol Isha Myth.?
Cute how you all mention qol isha, but forget the issurim on 1) watching women dance, and 2) looking at them in their highly untzniuzdik costumes.
Guys and Dolls? In the same play? Was there at least a mechitza?
No mehitza, but I did refrain from singing Luke be a Jedi tonight.
Interesting note: Mark Hamill played Nathan Detroit in the Simpsons episode, but in the original, “Luck be a Lady” was sung by the Sky “Obadiah” Masterson character.
If you went with your rabbinic father, then I could have guessed that there would be no mehitzah (as per the aforementioned article).
It’s mutar because yuter said so (and wants to go).
where is “the point” (i’m new to chicago this year)? are you from chicago but in YU currently?
Wow. Gaon, you are really obnoxious.